Buford pusser wife death photos. Buford was a lawman, a sheriff, and a hero to many people in his community. Buford pusser wife death photos

 Buford was a lawman, a sheriff, and a hero to many people in his communityBuford pusser wife death photos  In 2000, Highway 64 was named the Buford Pusser Highway, in his honor

After the ambush on New Hope Road on August 12, 1967, Sheriff Buford Pusser supposedly named four suspects in the death of his wife, Pauline. For me, he is the most viable suspect in the death of his wife Pauline as other theories into the death of his with Pauline fall apart under. That doesn't appear to have been the case with Pauline Pusser's murder. WebEvents of August 12, 1967, propelled Pusser to national prominence. . April 20, 2020 ·. The State Line Syndicate: The movie "WALKING TALL" had Sheriff Pusser fighting an organized crime syndicate at the state line that involved itself in gambling, bootlegging, moonshining and prostitution. Buford Pusser, the legendary McNairy County, Tennessee sheriff, had a few ties to Guntersville. Dwana was the daughter of legendary sheriff of McNairy County, Buford Pusser. The Tennessean Newspaper published the following story on the 40 th Anniversary of Buford’s Death: When Buford Pusser became the sheriff of McNairy County in 1964,. Buford discussed the offer with his wife, who eagerly agreed. Actors like Joe. The 50 th anniversary of the ambush of Sheriff Buford Pusser and his wife that took the life of Pauline Pusser will be observed with a commemoration 9:30 a. See more ideas about buford, walking tall, historical men. Many of you will remember the 1973 movie entitled Walking Tall. Buford then married Unknown. (born 1943) is the former boss of the Dixie Mafia. Buford and Pauline were separated when she was killed in the alleged ambush meant for the sheriff. He was the Sheriff of McNairy County, Tennessee, and subject of the movie Walking Tall (1973), in which his unusual methods of law enforcement brought him popular renown. Carl Douglas “Towhead” White was apparently the man who ordered the hit from. We now have her death. Buford Pusser stock photos are available in a variety of sizes and formats to fit your needs. Advertisement Sheriff Buford Pusser identified Kirksey McCord Nix Jr as the man behind his wife, Pauline Busser’s murder. Description. Having been called to a disturbance early that morning, Pusser’s wife Pauline decided to ride with him as he answered the call. Buford Hayse Pusser (December 12, 1937 August 21, 1974) was the Sheriff of McNairy. Reach Brandon Shields at bjshields@jacksonsun. The man who eventually became the subject of four “Walking Tall” major motion pictures, including the latest staring big screen actor “The Rock. His fame has made Buford's everyday objects museum-worthy: his dartboard; his turquoise toilet; his snapshots of his last girlfriend, Miss Tennessee 1973 (Most of these items were saved by Buford's mom, who lived in the house long after he died). The caller stated that the gun was stolen out of. After the death of Louise Hathcock, the legend of Buford Pusser began to snowball with each story or tale, some true, some stretched and others just outright untrue. However, as Lavon waited, Buford came home. Sheriff Pusser was born to Carl and Helen Pusser in Finger, McNairy County Independent sheriff. She was united in marriage to Jamie Garrison on March 7, 1998. January 29, 2017 ·. ! Car wreck on Aug. Ronda Rich: Fading photographs and the story of Sheriff Buford Pusser. Find a Grave Memorial ID: 1603. In that moment I learned a valuable lesson: while actors may often look like the people they portray, there’s a huge difference between the two. Pusser, in the space of his career, was stabbed seven times and shot eight. It's too bad that Mike didn't write a book with his. He was a man of great strength and character, with a powerful sense of justice that guided him through his life. buford pusser wife death photos. Buford Hayse Pusser met his wife, Pauline Mullins when he was a local wrestler in Chicago. Nearly 56 years after Pauline Pusser was shot and killed in an ambush likely meant for her husband—Sheriff Buford Pusser—investigators with the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation are still. Nix has repeatedly refused to comment about Pusser's claims that he was one of his wife's killers. by some local citizens. Actors like Joe Don. 12, 1967, McNairy County Sheriff Buford Pusser got a call about a disturbance on a side road just outside of town. After an 18-day stay, he returned only to discover a crying daughter and the absence of his deceased. It cost $500,000 and grossed $40 million. . S. Is the story of Sheriff Buford Pusser. Real life “Walking Tall” lawman Buford Pusser cleaned up crime in McNairy County in the 1960s and ’70s. (WKRN) — Nearly 56 years after Pauline Pusser was shot and killed in an ambush likely meant for her husband—Sheriff Buford Pusser—investigators with the Tennessee Bureau. +2. Mother of Private and Private. Pusser’s wife Pauline was shot to death on August 12, 1967, at the age 35 in a driveby assassination that was intended to kill Pusser. Sadly, the call was a ploy to flush Pusser out for an ambush that resulted in the death of his wife and the bulk of his jaw being blown off. Before the tragedy and murder of his wife, Buford was a strong and confident but relatively normal man. On the fateful night of August 12, 1967, Buford and his wife Pauline were driving home when their car was ambushed in an assassination attempt. Reviewed by on Feb 22, 2023The Buford Pusser Home and Museum stands as a moment in time, as if waiting for Sheriff Buford Pusser to return home from another shift serving the public. Pauline, Pusser’s wife, was killed immediately while he himself was left for dead as three bullets struck the left side of his jaw. Previous Next. A "rolling ambush" was not what investigators first thought had happened in the early morning hours of Saturday, August 12, 1967. , even though it is so important to the state line story itself. Jan 3, 2016 - he walked softly and carried his big stick. He knew more than anyone because he and Buford were very close and he often went on calls with him. I never. The Dixie Mafia was also known as the State Line Mob and they controlled many rural counties in the Mid-South states of Tennesse and Kentucky. suggested that the 24-year-old take the position if the town board would agree. She was united in marriage to Jamie Garrison on March 7, 1998. Crime scene photo of Pauline's shoes inside Pusser's Plymouth Fury, appearing that they had been placed there rather than simply removed there, seemingly backing a story told by Diane Vance. Sheriff Buford Pusser Museum. Photos of Buford Pusser, former Sheriff of. Buford Pusser: The Other Story. With Bo Svenson, Lurene Tuttle, Forrest Tucker, Leif Garrett. Make sure that the file is a photo. The wife of. This account has been disabled. Having been called to a disturbance early that morning, Pusser’s wife Pauline decided to ride with him as he answered the call. Buford had 2 siblings: John Howard Pusser and one other sibling. The album contains a three-song suite, "The Boys from. Follow her on Twitter @NicholeManna. Mark your calendars for the Craft And Artisan Exhibitions at the Buford Pusser Festival in 2023. Source: Wikipedia. . 30-caliber bullets into their vehicle. Photos of Buford Pusser, former Sheriff of. Her Father served as the sheriff of McNairy County, Tennessee, from 1964 to 1970 and constable of Adamsville from 1970 to 1972. Buford Hayse Pusser. Pusser was shot multiple times but survived. Buford Pusser: The Other Story. 12 at the Buford Pusser Home and Museum. Pusser died August 21, 1974 from wounds sustained in an automobile crash in which his car hit an embankment and he was ejected from the vehicle. The 50 th anniversary of the ambush of Sheriff Buford Pusser and his wife that took the life of Pauline Pusser will be observed with a commemoration 9:30 a. WebHistoric Marker Unveiled During 50th Anniversary of Pauline Pusser's Death at Buford Pusser Home and Museum ADAMSVILLE, Tenn. Former McNairy County Sheriff Buford Pusser plays with his pets in front of his home in Adamsville on Aug. Aug. Buford's beautiful wife, Pauline, was killed in the ambush 52 years ago today. 41 caliber magnum to a . Buford's son, Mike, was an adult when Buford died. Following the loss of his wife, Buford Pusser vowed to bring the perpetrators to justice. Tall, broad shouldered character actor with Texan drawl first appeared in support in several Western vehicles both on TV and the cinema in the mid 1960s. However, no-one was ever charged with Pauline Buford’s murder. This is the other story as related through photos, FBIAfter the death of Louise Hathcock, the legend of Buford Pusser began to snowball with each story or tale, some true, some stretched and others just outright untrue. Title. He grew up in Finger, McNairy County, Tennessee in 1937 to Helen and Carl Pusser. Intro by Cre80s out my interactive map where you search videos of all the locations I have been. Find a Grave Memorial ID: 223081716. Buford Hayse Pusser (December 12, 1937 August 21, 1974) was the Sheriff of McNairy County, Tennessee, from 1964 to 1970. Pusser. January 16, 2015 ·. this movie begins with a flashback of Buford Pusser (Bo Svenson) remembering the drive-by ambush that killed his wife. Twenty-five years after his death, the legend of Buford Pusser lives on By Chris Davis, Weekly Wire JULY 5, 1999: Just a little over a hundred miles east of Memphis, on U. (born 1943) is the former boss of the Dixie Mafia. Yet another story suggests that Buford was shot by his own wife Pauline Pusser. The car crash that finally killed Pusser, on August 21, 1974, was believed by many to be another murder attempt — one that succeeded this time. Upon hearing the news, White called his friend Kirksey Nix, Jr and ordered the hit on Sherriff Pusser and his wife, Pauline. If you have seen the original Walking Tall movie, then you have. 11 Of History’s Most Unmerciful Revenge Stories (#1) (#2) The first on our list of revenge stories involves a sheriff-turned-vigilante after his wife was killed in a shooting by southern mobsters. A few of these people seem to be in total disbelief when they read the things I relate about the late sheriff Pusser and his career as a crime fighter. His memory is so revered that a Buford Pusser Festival is held each May in his hometown of Adamsville, Tennessee. "The first moonshine still that Pusser busted up. Follow. , one of the lead figures of the Dixie Mafia, was suspected to be one of the men behind the hit. Pusser is known for his virtual one-man war on moonshining, prostitution, gambling, and other vices on the Mississippi-Tennessee state-line. Suddenly, the car was beside them and. Situated near Pickwick and the Shiloh Battlefield, Adamsville is a sleepy little town that springs to life once a month during its free all-day bluegrass jamborees. The modest brick ranch home contains the original furnishings, photos, cars, guns and memorabilia of the Pusser family. 357 magnum and started driving a new Oldsmobile Toronado. Aug 21, 2023. Pusser’s wife Pauline was shot to death on August 12, 1967, at the age 35 in a driveby assassination that was intended to kill Pusser. April. To them, the crash, and Buford's death, was not an accident. On August 12, 1967 the Dixie Mafia tried an attempt on. From the article: "They Killed His Wife And Left Him For Dead – Then He Got Revenge Suddenly the occupants opened fire on the Pusser’s car, killing Pauline and wounding Pusser. Since his death, several additional movies have been made, highlighting Pusser's career, including "Walking Tall, Part 2" (1975), "Walking Tall, The Final Chapter" (1977), and "Walking Tall" (1981). 32 pistol as fast as he could. A gunman pulled up next to them and fired three rounds into the car. I have had this photo of Pearl for sometime now and had agreed not to release it yet. Her death at such an early age did not surprise everyone, for there were several people who knew. He grew up in Finger, McNairy County, Tennessee in 1937 to Helen and Carl Pusser. For those of you that are new to this page it is advisable that you start with the first post and read your way forward as "The Other Story" is told chronologically. On this date 13 years ago my friend and Pusser fan and collector passed away from congestive heart failure. Dwana Pusser meets with former Sheriffs at a memorial event for Buford Pusser on August 21st, to commemorate his death 40 years ago in Adamsville. Much of the town and the undisturbed lay of the land harkens back to the 1960s when one of the South’s most iconic characters, Sheriff Buford Pusser, ruled with towering courage and a baseball bat. Drive-By Truckers wrote songs about the events surrounding Pusser’s wife’s death and his colorful tenure as sheriff for their 2004 album, The Dirty South. This left Investigator Jones with Buford as a suspect in the death of his wife Pauline. Date of death: 08/21/1974. Welcome to supergolddeales; Welcome to supergolddeales; michael morrell obituary. Sponsored by HMC (FMF) Edward Keenan, USN. buford pusser wife death photos During his tenure as sheriff, he jailed more than 7,500 criminals, and he dismantled 85 illegal stills in 1965 alone. m. [1][2], He was a suspect in the assassination attempt on Sheriff Buford Pusser and in the death of Buford's wife on August 12, 1967. His wife was killed, but Pusser survived. Highway 45, two ruined buildings straddle the Tennessee/Mississippi state line like a toothless old hooker, leering at passersby and enticing them to stop and poke around. Pusser says, "I got to him and I was screaming daddy daddy daddy. However, he soon discovered that his wife’s death was not an accident, but a deliberate act of violence. See more ideas about buford, walking tall, historical men. He grew up in Finger, McNairy County, Tennessee in 1937 to Helen and Carl Pusser. Wife of Private and Sheriff Buford Hayse Pusser. January 30, 2015 ·. Tom Smith has received an anonymous phone call from an individual who is alleging that the machine gun found in the creek on Rasch Road can be linked to the death of Buford Pusser's wife. This was the man – BUFORD PUSSER – the man who became the target of many assassination attempts – one of which took the life of his wife and left him emotionally and physically scarred. The photos showed a battered and bloody Pauline lying on the ground, her head crushed by a metal pipe. Before the tragedy and murder of his wife, Buford was a strong and confident but relatively normal man. Buford Pusser, Sheriff Depicted In ‘Walking Tall’ Film, Is Dead. 20, 1974, Pusser had just signed a contract saying he'd play. He was the third child of Carl and Helen Pusser, an honest, hard working couple who struggled to make ends meet. Both sides believed violence was the answer to the problem at hand. Adamsville. From the. July 5, 2015 ·. January 16, 2015 ·. July 5, 2015 ·. Add Photo — Add Link — Add Commentary — Correct this page. Before the tragedy and murder of his wife, Buford was a strong and confident but relatively normal man. On August 12, 1967, Pusser witnessed the violent death of his wife in an ambush that was meant for him. where even Pusser. Pauline was mentioned on a memorial in Adamsville Cemetery, Adamsville, McNairy County, Tennessee, United States with a. His name was Buford Pusser and his righteous journey to avenge his wife. True Crime author and blogger Synova Cantrell tells the true story behind the murder of Tennessee Sheriff Buford Pusser. Buford Hayse Pusser. Last Next. Pusser himself, having said early in the investigation, that he got a good look at the trigger man and could recognize him, would later fail to identify anyone including Nix and McDonald. Dwana Pusser was born to parents Buford Pusser and Pauline Mullins. 12 at the. It has been rumored that Before Buford Pusser was 32 years old, he had served three two-year terms as sheriff of Mc- Nairy County. Helen Pusser never recovered any money from people she thought had cheated her. Administré par : Find a Grave. during the late 50's to the early 70's . The Legacy of Buford Pusser. On August 12, 1967, Pusser witnessed the violent death of his wife in an ambush that was meant for him. She leaves behind a daughter, Leigh Ann McCaskill of Lexington, TN, and a. Deputy Peatie Plunk would clan he found. Pusser family and friends and even Buford himself insisted that "WALKING TALL" was 85 to 90% accurate in the telling of the. Buford died in August 1974 in a road accident. Pusser is survived by her husband, two daughters, a step daughter and four grandchildren. If you have seen the original Walking Tall movie, then you have seen an exact portrayal of the events that occurred that fatal morning on the Twelfth of August here in McNairy County. Photos ok, no video. Dwana was an advocate of tourism and actively promoted Adamsville and the legacy of her father through the Buford. , Sept. Each week a new story would be published in the local papers. The Buford Pusser museum captures a moment in time providing a snapshot of life of the south in the 70's. Buford didn’t walk around with one particular one all the time, like they showed in the. Honoring Sheriff Buford Hayse Pusser (December 12, 1937 – August 21, 1974) was the Sheriff of McNairy County, Tennessee, from 1964 to 1970. i have learned the following; purple molly rocks; moroccan chicken soup recipe from john lewisThe seller claims there’s no rot-through on this Chevy 90, and that it’s one of the straightest he’s seen. On August 12, 1967, Pusser witnessed the violent death of his wife in an ambush that was meant for him. While they made their way through the quaint Tennessee town towards the. 1998. She said she was very afraid of and feared Buford. Most of us , including myself had no reason to doubt Sheriff Pusser's version of how the shooting occurred. Please note. About a year later, Buford moved to Chicago where he worked as a die cutter, attended Worsham College and wrestled professionally on weekends. The crash site is marked with a monument, and Hwy 64 has been named the Buford. 12, 1967, McNairy County Sheriff Buford Pusser got a call about a disturbance on a side road just outside of town. He identified four assassins: Louise Hathcock's former boyfriend, Carl Douglas "Towhead" White, George McGann, Gary McDaniel, and Kirksey Nix; but he later changed his story as to who the assassins were when he couldn't identify them from pictures and in person. Buford played around on Pauline while he was sheriff. Buford’s death was a tragedy, but his legacy lived on. He responded, with his wife Pauline joining him for this particular ride. The Buford Pusser Home and Museum, a law enforcement museum, stands as a moment in time as if waiting for Sheriff Buford Pusser to return home from another shift serving the public. Buford Pusser wrestled and defeated a live bear. Source:week, we heard the horrific details of an ambush that gravely wounded Sheriff Buford Pusser and killed. The images were extremely graphic and disturbing, yet they became a part of the folklore surrounding the case. WIFE MURDERED. Anderson’s body was transported to the Lang Funeral Home in Gulfport, then. Pusser is known for his virtual one-man war on. There are historical markers noting the sites of the two. Pusser is seriously injured with a. Buford Pusser: The Other Story. The crash site is marked with a monument, and Hwy 64 has been named the Buford Pusser Highway in his honor. Buford Pusser: The Other Story. On August 12, 1967, Pusser witnessed the violent death of his wife in an ambush that was meant for him. Hollywood Homes. Walking Tall Part II: Directed by Earl Bellamy. At Buford Pusser's death on August 21, 1974, he left $250,000. 30 caliber rifle fire had done so from a "sniper's lair" set up along the roadside. One of my most memorable, enjoyable weekends occurred at least 10 years ago in the sleepy, time-frozen town of Selmer in west. Browse 18 buford pusser photos and images available, or start a new search to explore more photos and images. Source citation. " One thing is for sure: He had a shooting, that resulted in the death of Louise Hathcock. According to locals, several organized-crime rings, based mainly in Nashville, ran the. Many, I'm sure will come instantly to Buford's defense with this post, but let's look at the situations that should have made Buford the PRIME suspect in Pauline's death. Ironically Pusser’s death came the same year as his encounter with Jimmy Buffett. Pratt; music, Walter Scharf; editor. Pauline was a supportive and devoted wife to Buford during his time as the sheriff of McNairy County, Tennessee. A memorial event was held for Buford Pusser on August 21st, to commemorate his death 40 years ago in Adamsville. . Gökhan. Here on August 12, 1967, at the breaking of day, Sheriff Buford Pusser, accompanied by his wife Pauline, were. MCNAIRY COUNTY, Tenn. 1, 1973. com or in the souvenir shop at the Buford Pusser Home and Museum in Adamsville. I'm always a little amazed when I see readers reactions to some of the stories I tell here. I have always been interested about the Legandary Sheriff Buford Pusser from Mcnairy county, Tn. 00 (credit cards accepted) and once in you view a eight minute video of Buford and his life. 12 at the Buford Pusser Home and Museum. The State Line Syndicate: The movie "WALKING TALL" had Sheriff Pusser fighting an organized crime syndicate at the state line that involved itself in gambling, bootlegging, moonshining and prostitution. 3,250 views. His blood alcohol content was . The photos showed a battered and bloody Pauline lying on the ground, her head crushed by a metal pipe. Their only child together, Dwana. Buford decided that it was time to change his artillery from a 12 gauge shotgun to an M-16 carbine. (WKRN) — Nearly 56 years after Pauline Pusser was shot and killed in an ambush likely meant for her husband—Sheriff Buford Pusser—investigators. Sister of: John Howard Pusser & Buford Hayse Pusser. Photo: Buford Pusser and the Corvette in which he had his fatal accident. The death of a legend. com or at 731-425-9751. Buford grew up as a strong and healthy kid with a great height and that drove him more into athletics. ID de mémorial Find a Grave : 1603. Adamsville Cemetery. Pusser, who was 36 years old, died when his red sports car careened off Highway 64 near Selmer, Tennessee crashed into an. d Buford Hayes Pusser was born near Finger, Tennessee on December 12, 1937. . Pusser. 4) A photo of Kirksey Nix Junior years after the alleged ambush. Permanently disfigured, Pusser underwent numerous reconstructive surgeries to mend his battered face and crushed jaw. — at Sheriff Buford Pusser Museum. True Crime author and blogger Synova Cantrell tells the true story behind the murder of Tennessee Sheriff Buford Pusser. He goes to his wife's grave and breaks down. Inside the museum are original furnishings and mementos from Buford and his family. Location. Buford was a lawman, a sheriff, and a hero to many people in his community. True Crime author and blogger Synova Cantrell tells the true story behind the murder of Tennessee Sheriff Buford Pusser. Death. The January 1967 alleged attempt on Pusser's life. February 27, 2015 ·. ” When Buford walked in the front door, Hamilton opened up on him with a . To them, the crash, and Buford's death, was not an accident. Theres a photo of Bufords daughter Dwana posing next to her dead mother in her casket Pusser vowed to bring all involved with his wife's death to justice. Permanently disfigured, Pusser underwent numerous reconstructive surgeries to mend his battered face and crushed jaw. One such infamous case is that of Buford Pusser, a Tennessee sheriff who became a legend for taking on the local mafia. Attendees met at the fairgrounds where Pusse. Pusser vowed to bring all involved with his wife's death to justice. Final Chapter: Walking Tall: Directed by Jack Starrett. He was driving at high speed when his car touched. Original Language. It was August 12th, 1967. Buford Pusser Death Car - a Corvette. For most of his life, Pusser made his career in public service. Many, I'm sure will come instantly to Buford's defense with this post, but let's look at the situations that should have made Buford the PRIME suspect in Pauline's death. Dwana Pusser was born to parents Buford Pusser and Pauline Mullins. August 28, 2021 ·. A few of these people seem to be in total disbelief when they read the things I relate about the late sheriff Pusser and his career as a crime fighter. March 5, 2019 ·. While he was already a local hero, Pusser's "war" on the State Line Mob was brought to national prominence when his wife, Pauline, was killed on August 12, 1967, during an. It is an opportunity to support local artists, immerse yourself in the world of creativity, and discover extraordinary handmade treasures. Buford married first name Pusser on month day 1959, at age 21. Death & Legacy. In 1972, after stay ing out of office for two years, he was eligible to run for sheriff again, but lost. “We have several sticks throughout the museum. It was suggested that his demise came at the hands of a vengeful Buford Pusser. Mar 8, 2018. A memorial was erected to him on the spot where he had his fatal accident. Previous Next. On August 12, 1967, Pusser’s wife, Pauline, was killed in a car accident on a rural road. Sponsored by Michael Dunne. In 2000, Highway 64 was named the Buford Pusser Highway, in his honor. Dwana Pusser Garrison was born January 9, 1961 in Chicago, IL the daughter of the late legendary sheriff Buford Pusser and Pauline Mullins Pusser. His fame has made Buford's everyday objects. July 26, 2016 · Adamsville, TN ·. Born December 12, 1937, in Adamsville, Pusser moved to Oklahoma during his junior year in high school. Buford Pusser, what really happened to Pauline Mullins, wife of Sheriff Buford Pusser of Walking Tall fame? Her life and death story has intrigued thousands since that dreadful morning of August 12th 1967. The modest brick ranch home contains the original furnishings, photos, cars, guns and memorabilia of the Pusser family. Buford Pusser was an American Sheriff who born on the 12th of December 1937 in Finger, McNairy County, Tennessee, to Helen and Carl Pusser. cemeteries found within miles of your location will be saved to your photo volunteer list. The Morbid Fascination with Buford Pusser Wife Death Photos People have always been fascinated by true crime stories, especially those involving gruesome murders. WIFE MURDERED. BUFORD PUSSER:The Other Story. Browse 18 buford pusser photos and images available, or start a new search to explore more photos and images. It was a sad day in McNairy County. Pauline. buford pusser wife death photos. FAR FROM IT. On August 12, 1967, he and his wife, Pauline, were ambushed while driving on the local New Hope Road; Pauline was killed, and Buford had his jaw shot off; the assailants. At one point, he even. I'm always a little amazed when I see readers reactions to some of the stories I tell here. Before the tragedy and murder of his wife, Buford was a strong and confident but relatively normal man. Corinth Today. Gangland Wire. m. Buford Hayse Pusser met his wife, Pauline Mullins when he was a local wrestler in Chicago. Buford Pusser was a true American hero. Dwana was the daughter of legendary McNairy County Sheriff Buford Pusser. On August 21, 1974, Buford Pusser, American sheriff of McNairy County, Tennessee, died at the age of 36. Mike had been dealing with Pulmonary Fibrosis over the last few years he was 66 years old. Photograph - Photography. 20, 1974 in a traffic accident Methodist Church, bear!Buford Pusser: The Other Story. Buford Pusser was an American Sheriff who born on the 12th of December 1937 in Finger, McNairy County, Tennessee, to Helen and Carl Pusser. Jackson Sun 0:00 3:15 ADAMSVILLE – Dwana Pusser was in the museum honoring the legacy of her father, former McNairy County Sheriff and Adamsville Police Chief Buford Pusser, on Wednesday, for. Her death at such an early age did not surprise everyone, for there were several people who knew of the troubles in the Pusser household.